How Medicare Advantage Plans are Creating New Programs Due to Pandemic

Medicare Advantage plans increase services to combat the effects of isolation due to Covid-19. 

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The Chief Medical Officer of Cigna conducted a study into loneliness and how it affects both emotional and physical health. As you would expect, it’s not good. With many American’s living alone, and with wide-spread stay at home orders, older adults are in need of support more than ever. 

The effects of loneliness are not a new concept. Due to forced isolation and older adults being in high-risk populations for Covid exposure, many older adults are feeling this more than ever. According to Cigna’s study in the 2020 loneliness Index, people are experiencing loneliness at a new level: “Over 60 percent of American adults said they feel lonely and half of the Baby Boomer generation reported feelings of loneliness.” - 

At the core of combating loneliness is social contact and maintaining good health, both of which are extremely difficult in our current situation. 

Several insurance companies providing Advantage Plans are looking at the data and seeing how they can accommodate Americans’ needs in these crazy times. This is a trend that is expected to expand across other insurance providers as well. Companies are running pilot programs that provide for social determinants of health as well as specific condition needs while monitoring clients for health risks. They are doing this through phone calls to follow up with individuals, answer questions and inform them about Covid concerns. 

Some insurance companies are leveraging their employee populations to reach out to clients, send cards, and add personal touches along the way, including working with local nonprofits that provide services to seniors. 

It’s widely understood that isolation and loneliness contribute to declining health and worsening of existing conditions. Insurance companies and communities are realizing that we need to step up and support our older adults more than ever. Increasing trends of telehealth, personalized followup calls and reduction in Covid-related costs are results of this new effort. 

Covid-19 affects everyone but older Americans and Seniors are in need of the most support. These trends show us the beauty of humanity in tough times. We all need to mobilize our communities, families and friends to do what we can to support loved ones and friends whom we know are in need. If Covid brings one good thing, it’s the increased community support and awareness that our elders are essential members of society and we need to cherish them.


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