Medicare Satisfaction Survey Results - 2020


Survey results from the 2020 Voice of the Medicare Consumer Survey are out, thanks to the diligent work of ConnectureDRX. Nearly 20,000 consumers and organizations benefit from these consumer reports annually. The information is used by health plans to improve coverage, expand benefits and examine what they’ve done well.

2020 was an interesting year for Medicare as it created a unique set of circumstances and related consumer trends. 

Some of the big takeaways are: 

  • An increased number of people seeking broker guidance 

  • An increased number of people investigating plan and specifically drug information online

  • An increased number of people purchasing supplemental coverage 

Here are some highlights from each category of the survey results. 

Plan Selection

During the Pandemic, people wanted to make sure all their health needs were covered. More people were looking for additional benefits, with a specific interest in dental. We see a significant increase in MA/MAPD plans and a continual annual increase in MedSupp plans.

United Healthcare has the largest number of enrollments for 2020. We see that among people currently enrolled, 61% chose to stick with their plan or stayed within the same carrier. For people still employed and transitioning to Medicare, 48% found coverage with the same carrier. About 19% of respondents enrolled in a Medicare plan for the first time. 

The values that matter most for plan selection are: affordability and low out-of-pocket cost, supplemental benefits, broker guidance, and low drug costs. 

Trust in Plans

The trend of 2020 was for beneficiaries to stay with their plan or to simply switch plans within the same carrier. We see that 68% of survey respondents say they trusted their health plan brand and were satisfied with their coverage. For those who did decide to switch their plans, it was because their broker provided them with guidance as to a plan that better met their needs. In 2020 only 15% of people were unhappy with their plan, a significant decrease from 26% in 2019. 

Information and Technology

With so much time at home in 2020, people searched for plans and drug information online more than ever before. The rising medication prices have people searching for affordable medications online more than in previous years. 

People relied on their Medicare brokers more than previous years to clarify information and help them find the right plan fit. Most people started their individual online research and then reached out to a broker to assist them in making the right choice. There was a 15% increase in 2020 of people seeking and relying on information from their broker in making a decision. 

Plans found the most success in communicating with eligible enrollees via paper mail and other types of non-internet based communication. Along this line, we see that 50% of the beneficiaries responded that they would rather attend a Medicare webinar or seminar in person as opposed to online. Despite the increased online research trend, people still prefer paper mail to online info and in-person education to virtual communication. 

Survey Respondent Demographics:

  • Gender: 66% women, 34% men

  • Age distribution: 65+; 10% pre-Medicare ages 62-64

  • Work status: 74% retired, 25% work in some capacity

  • Health status: Most in very good and good health. 6% in poor health.

  • Type of Insurance: 64% on Medicare only, 19% on an employer plan and 10% on another individual health plan. 

Source: 2020 Voice of the Medicare Consumer Survey (pp. 1-8, Rep.). (2021). Milwaukee, WI: ConnectureDRX.


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